There's a lot of interesting research into habit formation, and studies tout varying best practices to do that. One of the most efficacious, though, is repetition. My mentor, Martha Beck, used to say that once is something you just tried out, twice is "just checking," three times is "I'm thinking of doing this," and five or more represents the shift to identification: "I am someone who now does this."

On the other hand, some studies cite 66 days, or 364 days, or something in between before a habit can be said to be well and truly established.

What I take from this is that showing up for your new habit, whatever it may be, is important, repetition is where the magic happens, and a break in routine can quickly throw a spanner into the works, especially early on.

I love that you and I show up for each other and Write Together!

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I can relate to the preference for typing over writing. For the longest time, I refused to type my journal entries because I thought it wasn't "authentic" and didn't count if it wasn't hand written. But I found that my thoughts worked faster than my hands, and by the end of the writing session I was so built up with frustration with my slow hands I began to procrastinate writing. After transitioning to typing journal entries, I've enjoyed it a lot more and try to do it every morning or so :)

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Thank you so much for reading & for your comments! The main objective for me is to write every day whether typing or handwriting but I definitely notice a difference between the two. Great to know the feeling is mutual.

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This is great, Pamela! I have so many thoughts. I have done morning pages for probably 25 years, but they are often any time of day pages, or perhaps sometime today pages, or often blank pages for years at a time, including this past year. I have the exact same trouble with my gratitude journal. Just yesterday, I caught it up for the past 10 days, but have not written in it yet today. I also do much better with typing on the computer than handwriting. I have often gone back and read my morning pages and found pieces that I've turned into stories. I really, really want to get the morning pages habit going again because it has been valuable. And maybe that will bleed over into a habit of flossing my teeth, because I struggle with that just as much! 😂 Thanks for putting this on my front burner!

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Happy Birthday!! 🎉🎂 Enjoy every minute.

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You always make me smile and giggle Cherie! 🤗 Thank you! We seem to think similarly. ❤️ 25 years, even off and on with Morning Pages is very impressive! You've shown me it is possible. 🎉 Now when I see you on Substack, in addition to enjoying your writing, I will be reminded to keep up with my journaling (on the off chance I have gotten off track) . We can all use an accountability buddy now and again. Thank you for reading and your thoughtful

and relatable comments. Wishing you & your family a Happy Easter weekend! 🐰

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Same to you and your family, Pamela!

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