Spin City was great, but like you, Family Ties was what made probably the biggest impression on me. Most likely because of my age. As a freshman in high school, I knew I was going to go into journalism. I got an opportunity to intern at the radio station on the nearby community college campus. Inspired by Alex Keaton, I wore a tie. I was 15 and the only one in a tie. I looked ridiculous. But Alex was going places. So I thought the attire would give me edge, too.

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I love this! You were and continue to "go places, Kevin." Appreciate your mutual admiration of Michael J. Fox. Thank you for sharing and for reading! 🤗

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I love and admire Michael J. Fox. We really should all be ashamed of our excuses when we watch how he perseveres. I will watch that documentary even though it pains me to see him this way.

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It is an excellent documentary. You will love and admire him even more. And laugh. Thanks for reading! 🤗

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