Oh yes, I can relate! I am starting (trying to start, should have been starting, one of these days will start) to go through our entire home in hopes of moving states sometime in the next year. It is overwhelming! How did it get this way? Oh yes, I can relate!

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Thank you for reading Cherie! So happy that you can relate 🎉 One day and One drawer at a time. 😁

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I can relate to what you share and want to encourage you to keep at it, one drawer, cupboard and closet at a time.

For the first many years, acquiring and creating stuff was fine because there was always room to put it away. At some point, the house becomes full and the harder part of life kicks in. I watch others - some are packrats and others tend towards minimalism - and try to be thoughtful about what I buy and disciplined about what I pass on.

During the pandemic, I went all Marie Kondo and went through everything in my wardrobe. Recently, I spent a whole day processing and purging paper from a 4 drawer filing cabinet (but still have too much paper).

At least for me, having a place for everything and everything in its place is the goal and - when true - feels very calming like your cruise experience. Hold on to that memory and strive for it.

I applaud you for thinking of the impact on your son and family downstream. They will thank you for it.

Finally, thank you so much for sharing.

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Thank you so much for reading! and for your motivational & insightful comments. So appreciated! 🤗❤️

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In 2010, I lost just about everything I owned to toxic mold. It was a devastating loss, but not as big as the loss of my health, another consequence. (I did save sentimental things like photo albums and a painting that belonged to my grandmother in a storage unit, hoping I could reclaim them someday). So I had to start from scratch, with nothing but new cheap clothes and some suitcases in my car. By 2022, when I packed up to move east, I had completely filled a three-story townhouse to the gills with more stuff! It was shocking, and a wake-up call. I tossed, gave away, and sold about half of what I owned. I love the idea of minimalism - but I am a sentimentalist too. Honoring both of those is quite a balance, one I haven't mastered yet. May you find your missing photo albums!

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Thank you Maggie! That is so heartbreaking to lose nearly everything to mold, but your health is definitely more important. I'm sure you still remember a lot that was lost & can describe it perfectly. It's good to know I am not alone in being a consumer & accumulateing "stuff" quickly. When you mentioned storeroom you reminded me I share one with my son. I bet that's where they are! 🤔 Thank you! Oh boy, more things to look through. 👀

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